Michelle Saram Interview
Date: Sunday, August 12 @ 02:21:53 CDT
Topic: General News on Michelle

Below is an interesting interview of Michelle from last year when her drama "Love at Zero Degrees" was showing. The Love at Zero Degrees gallery has also been updated with new pics. Enjoy!

Love interests in the drama Hu Guobin (Julian Hee), Anna’s boyfriend and subsequent ex.

“Anna’s a Taiwanese who met Guobin in America and started dating. They return to Singapore and start a dessert shop, 0° C. When she discovers Guobin has started to like someone else, she goes ‘Oh I must take revenge! I must show that I’m very irritated!’”

Anna tries to snatch Guobin back and during a quarrel, she is hit by a moving vehicle and is blinded! Will Guobin take responsibility for her for her remaining days?

Ever wanted to marry a rich man? Would you date someone for money rather than love?

“Never. I just want to marry a man who loves me very much. I must be No. 1 in his world, because I’m the only child in the family, so all my life, I’m used to being the only object of affection in my parents’ world and I want that from him as well. It’s hard… it’s unnatural for human beings to emotionally create a bond because of something that’s not emotionally-related. It’ll be uncomfortable.”

More likely to be the Dumper or the Dumpee?

“So far erh… mostly the dumper but it doesn’t mean I can’t be the dumpee heheh! Well it’s also because when you were younger, you had stricter rules and were less flexible about things. As you get older, it’s easier to want to compromise. Y’know in most of the shows I act in, I’m always the dumpee! So in that sense, it all about equals out haha!”

Thing most want to do in a romance…

“I like to travel with a partner but it’s best to go to a place where both of us haven’t been to before, so that it’s a new discovery for both of us and we discover it at the same time and that place becomes our special place.”

More likely to manja (act coy and baby-ish) or demand for what you want?

“Hmm… again it depends on what it is that I want! It also depends on the situation. (So you are open to manja-ing?) Perhaps… although I’m trying to think of an instance but I can’t. Hmm I think I’m more like to say ‘This is what I would like’ and if I don’t get it, then ok lor… *pretending to sulk a little*”

Most likely to sulk, cry or storm off in a fight?

“I’d stop talking then pretend he’s invisible. It’s my natural reaction, I’m not really a yelling person, ah see, Anna! *starting to talk faster* Anna is constantly yelling! Oh man, it’s terrible. I’m not that kind of person so it’s very difficult to have to yell so loudly and vigorously… it was tiring and very unnatural.”

Prefers to watch a sunset on the beach or watch the telly?

“I prefer watching the sunset but perhaps not actually on the beach because mosquitoes come out at sunset. Perhaps an enclosed balcony.” (Her unusual answer was met with side-splitting laughter from us! Romantic but practical!)

Love turns you into a little kitten or your nagging mum?

“Wow so extreme! When I was younger, it would have been something that made me glow and so happy. *Putting on a dreamy look* ‘Oh I have to wait two more days for this thing that I ordered? It’s okaaay…’ that kind of thing. But now, because it’s a relationship that you have to work on, it’s just a part of your life. So knowing who my parents, friends and partner are doesn’t have that much of an impact on me.”

Pillow fights – pure bliss or downright corny?

“Corny… no… I’ve never done it, but it seems like something that I would have done on-screen. A lot of things I had to do on-screen made me feel ‘Urgh, this is so stupid!’ but the good thing is it allows me to live a different life from my own. Generally, I play characters that are so different from me and I do things that are, from my point of view, so ridiculous! It’s quite entertaining in its own way, like all that screaming and ‘If you don’t say these stupid things, I’m going to kill myself!’”

Tattoo your lover’s name on your body or carry a vial of his blood, all a la goddess Angelina Jolie

“No hahah! I’ve a low threshold for pain, I’m allergic to a lot of things and urgh blood… I see enough blood every month…no, thank you.”

A staunch believer in the holy institution of marriage or ‘while the good times last’?

“Again, it’s really dependent on the situation. I’m Catholic, brought up Catholic so I’m kinda hot-wired to believe that you must get married. But I’m not married and it doesn’t look like I’ll be soon hehe! So maybe it won’t happen. But why get married in the first place (if you are open to divorce?) If it’s a test run, you should do it while it’s still not legally binding. Once you’re legally bonded, you should everything possible to make it work, seeking therapies or whatever…”

This article comes from Michelle Saram Fan Site - News, Bio, Pictures/Photos, Interview - 鄭雪兒

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