15 second commericial of Michelle added to download section
Date: Wednesday, December 03 @ 01:26:02 CST
Topic: Announcements

I've added a 15 second commercial of Michelle to the download section. In it Michelle shows off her terrific physique (NICE abs!) Thanks CanWan!

I know I'm going to get requests to translate this but I'm not sure what she's promoting here- I presume it's some sort of weight loss product. Apparently it's a commerical shown in Taiwan from a couple years ago. Anyways she says "I have many secrets, but the physique cannot be hidden. This beautiful woman... needs to continually improve the body. Shen Ji Shen Mi (name of the product)- what are you waiting for?"

This article comes from Michelle Saram Fan Site - News, Bio, Pictures/Photos, Interview - 鄭雪兒

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