Translations for Tobaby Ad and Meteor Garden 2 Preview 13 Clip
Date: Monday, October 06 @ 00:23:52 CDT
Topic: Announcements

As requested I've translated the Tobaby commercial and the MG2 Preview:

Tobaby commercial
BH = Barbie Hsu, MS = Michelle Saram, JY = Jerry Yan

BH: Are you ready? This is Meteor Radio Station. We are talking about love. We have a female listener today who requested a song to be played- I think her mood is a bit sad. Hopefully she will feel better.

BH: This song is for everyone in love.

MS (thinking): Under the same sky- I wish there is someone with me under the rain. Didn't think my love life is the same as my hair- in bad shape.

BH: Wow the rain is really coming down hard just then. This is third big storm of the summer....[indiscernable talk] These times some interesting and romatic things usually suddenly happen to people. Maybe two people at the same corner meet and then something miraculous happens.

JY: After using the product, all will be better.

BH: Today is a sunny day- good weather. But why am I alone here in this recording studio? Sigh. Seeing the sun I will think of flowers- seeing flowers love will come to mind, and thinking about love I will think of a big handsome guy. If a big handsome guy gives me a big arrangement of flowers right now I will definitely go with him and never return. Now let's listen to a song that pretty much describes my feelings. Take a guess what the song is?

JY: Maybe after using the product things will improve.

BH: This is Meteor Radio Station- you're listeing to 100 minutes of Love. Love is a lot like hair- A, B, C, D, E- can't be missing any.

BH reads a note that says "Meet up?"

Translations for MG2 preview 13:
DMS: Why leave all the sorrow for me? Leave, leave, you all leave! I don't have anything anyways so the farther you go the better!

YS: We all have the freedom to do what we want- why should we tie ourselves together everyday- why should we become each others' responsibility?

DMS: Because I love you!

YS: You appreciate that I take care of you, accompany you to Taiwan, become your friend, but your appreciation does not mean love.

DMS: You're not me- how can you be sure it's not love?


YS: San Cai! When they reveal the lottery winners remember we'll split the prize 50-50!

SC: 50-50!

This article comes from Michelle Saram Fan Site - News, Bio, Pictures/Photos, Interview - 鄭雪兒

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