Reading Michelle's Mind
Date: Saturday, August 16 @ 00:01:15 CDT
Topic: General News on Michelle

[excerpt] Michelle: I was born a voyeur. I am always on the scene watching everything unfold. Even when I am reading, I’ve never thought of myself as a particular character. As an actress, I should be identifying with these characters, but somehow I'd rather stand back and watch them. And I wonder ‘ Why did they do that? Hmm… That's interesting…’

Fong: Is there a genre that you wouldn’t touch?

Michelle: I don't read horror. I don't even watch horror movies. I remember, as a child, my parents brought me to watch The Exorcist . Thereafter, I had nightmares for the longest time!

Fong: At least you had your pet tiger to protect you…

Michelle: OH! YES! (laughs out loud) You've heard about my tiger! It was a long time ago. I was an only child who grew up with my imaginary tiger.

Read the entire The Write Pages interview.

This article comes from Michelle Saram Fan Site - News, Bio, Pictures/Photos, Interview - 鄭雪兒

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