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From album: MG2 Outtakes
Upload date: 09/07/2003

From: michelle (Mon 19 Apr 2004 12:37:52 AM CDT)
michelle did something wrong that made jerry laugh or spit
From: me =) (Sat 15 Apr 2006 02:12:38 PM CDT)
where can u download metero garden 1 and 2 these pictures makes me really want to watch it.
From: 123 (Sun 21 Jan 2007 06:17:24 AM CST)
no,her salivas dropped on jerry!
Bubble text says: `My goodness- you love to laugh too much!`
Bubble text says: `My goodness- you love to laugh too much!`
From album: MG2 Outtakes
Upload date: 09/07/2003

From: [email protected] (Sun 04 Apr 2004 12:49:13 AM CST)
they both have a cute face especially when they are laughing!
From: ulfa_j (Sat 19 Mar 2005 01:03:57 AM CST)
whats jerry saying ?can someone translate that 4 me plzzz?
Michelle messes up one of her lines
Michelle messes up one of her lines
From album: MG2 Outtakes
Upload date: 09/07/2003

From: Cathryn (Sun 02 May 2004 09:52:15 AM CDT)
What a lovely pair....they are so cute when they smile....
From: portabella (Mon 03 May 2004 12:33:29 AM CDT)
indeed .. a lovely pair! .. i love every pix of them being together!
From: bHaBeS (Sat 29 May 2004 10:08:06 PM CDT)
they are soooooo cute!!!!! hope 2 see dem personally!!!
From album: MG2 Outtakes
Upload date: 09/07/2003

From: [email protected] (Sun 07 Dec 2003 06:27:27 PM CST)
I tremendously enjoyed Meteor Garden 2 mainly because of Daoming Si's new character/attitude and Yesha (Michelle). I think Jerry and Michelle looks better as a couple. This photo proves it.
From: Cathryn (Thu 11 Dec 2003 09:47:36 AM CST)
I definitely agree. I thought Meteor Garden 1 was good. Meteor Garden 2 was even better and it was because of Jerry and Michelle. They make a great pair.
From: [email protected] (Sun 04 Apr 2004 12:59:22 AM CST)
Yesha looks like Asi especially when she begins to laugh (do u think so?!)
From: bob (Mon 19 Apr 2004 12:41:21 AM CDT)
they so be couples since they enjoy working together
From: portabella (Mon 03 May 2004 12:29:15 AM CDT)
mg1 was nice .. it was cute and all .. but .. mg2 was different .. it had a beautiful story to tell on the bond between jerry and michelle which ultimately led to a beautiful romance .. i love their charisma and their perfect on-screen compatibility .. the ending was a let-down though.
From: glo (Wed 27 Oct 2004 01:15:08 AM CDT)
sorry guys... i still feel that barbie and jerry should be together even though the picture proved otherwise. its the only right thing to do...
From: michellefan (Mon 09 Jun 2008 03:47:36 PM CDT)
hi guys, i'm really in love with ye sha's character and michelle saram after watching mg2. this picture just proves the perfect on-screen compatibility between michelle and jerry. and i think i'm one of the few pple who likes michelle's character in mg2 but she is so carefree and optimistic there. she's really like sunshine.
Jerry starts laughing after staring at Michelle
Jerry starts laughing after staring at Michelle
From album: MG2 Outtakes
Upload date: 09/07/2003

From: dana (Sun 14 Dec 2003 12:47:43 PM CST)
jerry and michelle saram look sooooo.... cute!!!!
From: Cathryn (Thu 25 Dec 2003 09:48:47 PM CST)
Agree. They just look good together!
From: jackie (Wed 03 Mar 2004 11:34:18 AM CST)
Yes, they really look cute together:) I wish to see them again as lovers in a new movie or drama.I'm also a jerry fan.
From: jaimy (Wed 24 Mar 2004 08:43:03 PM CST)
i love u michelle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: Charli (Mon 19 Apr 2004 12:43:05 AM CDT)
i love you jerry
From: portabella (Mon 03 May 2004 12:16:01 AM CDT)
jerry and michelle have these great smiles .. lovely eyes .. and put them into expressions together .. what do we have? .. BEAUTIFUL couple!
From: [email protected] (Wed 02 Jun 2004 05:35:37 AM CDT)
From: althea (Fri 21 Oct 2005 10:52:07 PM CDT)
they love to laugh and laugh they are a cute couple.................
From: Ketchen (Fri 10 Feb 2006 06:54:03 PM CST)
I hated mgII because jerry and michelle didnt end up together. soo annoyed. Their so cute together and their always happy.
From: Ketchen (Fri 10 Feb 2006 07:14:05 PM CST)
hey in real life jerry and michelle should get together. his a model and she's a model. okay..to bad I wouldnt hear about it.

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