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From album: MG2 Episode 4
Upload date: 08/26/2003
From album: MG2 Episode 4
Upload date: 08/26/2003
From album: MG2 Episode 4
Upload date: 08/26/2003
From album: MG2 Episode 4
Upload date: 08/26/2003
From album: MG2 Episode 4
Upload date: 08/26/2003

From: hihihihihi (Sat 01 May 2004 02:13:04 PM CDT)
From: coool (Tue 15 Feb 2005 06:50:31 AM CST)
very cool
From: sxy (Tue 19 Jul 2005 11:37:50 AM CDT)
.....mumted...... i dont lik u yesha but i lik tht drawing
From: cool girl (Tue 16 Aug 2005 12:27:40 PM CDT)
isnit she pretty let us get along with her do u now shes sad cuz u cant be mean to her this is her fan site duh people
From: cute (Tue 20 Sep 2005 10:32:27 PM CDT)
i lie yesha and i dont care if u dont like her shes michelle saram and yesha is jaz a character she portray
From: nathalie (Mon 12 Dec 2005 01:31:21 AM CST)
i really don't like ye sha (for interrupting ah si and shan chai's relationship) but i've to admit that she's a good actress. we can't be too emotional cuz it's just a drama. so, michelle, good luck and hope you'll be one of most famous actress in taiwan or singapore one day

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