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From album: MG2 Episode 6
Upload date: 08/26/2003

From: Carleena (Fri 24 Mar 2006 07:15:16 PM CST)
No Jerry.......Shan Cai is better.......
From: Gia (Mon 28 Jul 2008 08:16:10 PM CDT)
What a Great looking couple they made.They were funny and cute. Michelle said when the were walking on the street some thought they were a real couple,and commented on what a lovely couple they made.
From album: MG2 Episode 6
Upload date: 08/26/2003

From: aimee (Mon 04 Jul 2005 09:52:00 PM CDT)
i like your big big biiiiig smile and still you are very handsome woman.
From: Ly (Mon 21 Aug 2006 05:47:12 AM CDT)
smilling beauty
From album: MG2 Episode 6
Upload date: 08/26/2003

From: charms-phillipines. (Tue 17 Feb 2009 11:10:12 PM CST)
iwish her verry well..ido love yesha.
From album: MG2 Episode 6
Upload date: 08/26/2003

From: Phillis Quek (Wed 02 Feb 2005 05:27:54 AM CST)
I Love you so much aspecialy you are a Preety girl all is Beautiful is great.
From: Fann Wong (Wed 02 Feb 2005 05:33:58 AM CST)
Michelle Saram I HOPE YOU can have your Weding peacefuly and give him a kiss .
From: Jeantte Aw (Wed 02 Feb 2005 05:36:46 AM CST)
a good day Michelle Chines New year Please eat more food I mine Have a lucky boy friend .
From: Vi Vian Lai (Sat 05 Feb 2005 05:57:44 PM CST)
I wish you stay healthy and if you have how many child I hope they were get 1,2and3 ok Michelle
From: Priscelia Chan (Sat 05 Feb 2005 06:00:17 PM CST)
I am from Singapore i am a arties not so popular in the arties I DID HATE Chen Li Ping So Much
From: Yvone Lim (Sat 05 Feb 2005 06:03:49 PM CST)
Michelle you such as NICE AS I hope you will get a lot hong Bao.
From: Ivy Lee (Sat 05 Feb 2005 06:06:09 PM CST)
I wish i will have such a preety Daugther Like I tell you Hair ok Eyes so small nose not sharp mouth so big and not Dark .
From: Zhang Qi Tong (Sat 05 Feb 2005 06:08:11 PM CST)
you Later Sunny is going to send to you keep it as secret Do not tell any Body .
From: Jacelyn Tay (Sat 05 Feb 2005 06:17:35 PM CST)
She is a Very nice girl wish you get new wish for new year .
From: Joanne Peh (Sat 05 Feb 2005 06:18:54 PM CST)
Wish you have new clothes for chines New year.
From: Sunny (Sat 05 Feb 2005 06:22:04 PM CST)
I am from inodesia I am working in singapore just as good and I want to tell you What happen the boy isyou like when you are me working how dd you feel .
From: Kleston Tan (Sat 05 Feb 2005 06:24:00 PM CST)
I am Qi Tong girl friend is so nice to me last time i always scold her Saram pepole alredy she said sory alredy.
From: Flona Xie (Sat 05 Feb 2005 06:25:05 PM CST)
Wish you healthy do not get cove .
From: Sarah Ang (Tue 22 Feb 2005 06:22:46 AM CST)
From: Jeanifer Asitition (Mon 14 Mar 2005 10:22:55 PM CST)
Michelle Wow great look AHH a Boy Cahya love you lucky girl.
From: Jeanifer Asitition (Mon 14 Mar 2005 10:23:03 PM CST)
Michelle Wow great look AHH a Boy Cahya love you lucky girl.
From: Mandie Loh (Fri 20 May 2005 03:20:42 AM CDT)
Hi!! I am Mandie Loh frm Tao nan... Wish u all de best!! U r my idol!!
From: Michael Jackson (Tue 15 Nov 2005 05:11:30 AM CST)
Go Michelle!!!
From: Maya (Mon 22 May 2006 08:38:39 PM CDT)
Go Michelle!(Yesha)
From album: MG2 Episode 6
Upload date: 08/26/2003

From: flowerle33333 (Mon 13 Jun 2005 04:31:01 PM CDT)
I wish that was Shan Cai
From: flowergirl_1269 (Sun 17 Jul 2005 10:59:49 PM CDT)
its more better with Shan Cai cuz she is much cute
From: gia (Mon 28 Jul 2008 07:48:04 PM CDT)
That's not true and you know it. (Smile) Michelle is beautiful, Barbie CShan Cai )is pretty.Just go back to each one's crying sene . Michelle is beautiful even frowning or crying .
That can't be said for Shan Cai when she cries. (smile).

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