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From album: MG2 Episode 6
Upload date: 08/26/2003
From album: MG2 Episode 6
Upload date: 08/26/2003

From: pan (Fri 20 Feb 2004 12:56:43 AM CST)
i swear to god...that girl is always all over you!!! i don't like that--i want shancai to be the one!!!
From: griffindoor (Mon 08 Nov 2004 10:48:59 PM CST)
you're just jealous.actually in your head saying that this two people really look good together.
From: griffindoor (Mon 08 Nov 2004 10:49:22 PM CST)
you're just jealous.actually in your head saying that this two people really look good together!!!.
From: griffindoor (Mon 08 Nov 2004 10:49:30 PM CST)
you're just jealous.actually in your head saying that this two people really look good together!!!.
From album: MG2 Episode 6
Upload date: 08/26/2003
From album: MG2 Episode 6
Upload date: 08/26/2003
From album: MG2 Episode 6
Upload date: 08/26/2003

From: Maya (Sun 17 Jul 2005 11:01:19 PM CDT)
try that again that is ... good ;)
From: Catarina (Fri 24 Mar 2006 07:19:08 PM CST)
My name is Ye Sha and I look like a freak in this pic.

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