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From album: MG2 Episode 7
Upload date: 08/27/2003

From: anne fesalbon (Sun 18 Apr 2004 01:42:30 AM CDT)
if yesha wants daomingsi, sancai should love daomingsi too
From album: MG2 Episode 6
Upload date: 08/26/2003

From: Maya (Mon 22 May 2006 08:45:44 PM CDT)
Ano yan?Is that squash?Pumpkin!
From album: MG2 Episode 6
Upload date: 08/26/2003

From: lak (Fri 20 Feb 2004 01:01:38 AM CST)
jerry, if you keep on falling in love with different girls in one movie, you are going to loose fans out there! you just needs to fall in love with shancai! and only her!! seeing this kind of things makes me so piss off!!! but your still hot!!!
From: lak (Fri 20 Feb 2004 01:01:39 AM CST)
jerry, if you keep on falling in love with different girls in one movie, you are going to loose fans out there! you just needs to fall in love with shancai! and only her!! seeing this kind of things makes me so piss off!!! but your still hot!!!
From: griffindoor (Mon 08 Nov 2004 10:53:22 PM CST)
that's because he find san cai so boring and unattractive at all!!!ha..ha..ha
From: Maya (Mon 22 May 2006 08:44:05 PM CDT)
No,kase Jerry fell and lost his memories so his named used to be Dau Ming Su but nows its Asing!I hate Michelle talaga.And kolet na shia!At,pangit akoy Michelle!
From album: MG2 Episode 6
Upload date: 08/26/2003
From album: MG2 Episode 6
Upload date: 08/26/2003

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