Fan Contributed :: ms_hw_mar05
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Michelle Saram featured
in the March 2005 issue of 
Her World Magazine 
Contributed by Portabella

Michelle Saram featured
in the March 2005 issue of
Her World Magazine
Contributed by Portabella

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From: SaSsYgIrL (Sun 06 Mar 2005 11:06:28 PM CST)
i'm from Thailand I'm bigFan michelle saram i want to tell somethings with u I love U Foever
From: QI Tong (Sun 01 May 2005 07:58:49 AM CDT)
I LIKE YOU Michelle Saram.
From: joey from philippines (Sat 07 May 2005 10:46:39 PM CDT)
I read your article about the tsunami
and i was inspired by your courage to help the victims of the tragedy. You got a pretty face and a beautiful heart. god bless you michelle.....
From: Davidli (Thu 22 Mar 2007 06:47:21 PM CDT)
i am from china
wo love you for ever too

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